This is the first psychological test in the world that delivers a result based on an algorithm that takes into account your internal dynamics just as psychology was always meant to do.
After this, the test delivers a result, a score and a description of your mind.
We encourage you to ponder on the insights you receive because "knowing thyself", is the battle won.
All this is free.
After this, if you are hungry for more, make an appointment to take it further.
Instahappy runs a happiness test for people, schools or organisations identifying the vital psychological signs that contribute to mental health and well-being.
Then we show you how you can be happier and more productive by identifying your strengths and showing you what you can do to feel better.
If you are a company, every individual will get their own result. Then the company will get the average score for all those who work there. Directors, managers and anyone else you like, will receive additional insights for their personal health and well-being.
The test is based on psychoanalytical theory and clinical methodology, fusing two psychological disciplines to obtain a happiness quotient.
This figure gives an overall score of happiness that expresses how well a person or an organisation is able to pull together.
When one is motivated, the work one does has the compelling power of conviction.
When an organisation is able to motivate and empower its employees the effect is visible on the bottom line.
But when one is out of sync, what can one do about it? Instahappy, points out the problem but also comes up with a solution that makes everyone happy by drawing attention to the problem and identifying where the solution is likely to be.
It suggests practical and simple solutions, both at the personal and organisational level to ensure that a person, the customer, the directors, the staff and the organisation are aligned and yes, happy.